Body, Breath, and Being
By Eric Mendelman, LMT, CST-T, MLD


The Path of Ontosomology

Introduction to Ontosomology


  • What is Ontosomology?
  • The Language of Ontosomology
  • How is Ontosomology understood and practiced?
  • About Eric Mendelman: How and why I developed Ontosomology

What is Ontosomology?

Ontosomology applies conscious will in somatic activation through posture and breath to awaken the realization that Human and Cosmic Consciousness are One .  This realization forms the basis of all reality and experience.  What then does Ontosomology mean?

Onto: means Being which is not time bound in contrast to the Existential which is time contingent. 

Somology: broadly means caring for the body as in nursing. When joined with the prefix Onto a more specific definition is applied from Theoretical Somology which is defined by Wikersity as:  

 "understanding the body as an integration of the object body (the thing) into experience so that it is simultaneously an object, a means of experience, a means of expression, a manner of presence among other people, and a part of one's personal identity".

Ontosomology, therefore, considers being and nurturing as intrinsically interlinked as one "thing" (or "event" to be more precise in ontosomology terms).  The dimensions of Ontosomology extend beyond our own bodies to include the body of our families, communities, all of humanity, Gaia (the living Earth) and all of the cosmos.  The Path of Ontosomology creates a direct experience of unified mind, body, spirit and consciousness. The Path of Ontosomology is revealed through the Ontosomology blog which will be launched during the Fall of 2019.

The Language of Ontosomology

Here are several words used in Ontosomology and an explanation of how they more accurately reflect the perpective of Ontosomology:

Immergence:  Is emphasized rather than Transcendence, Enlightment, Satori. Salvation.  These apply to other belief systems and practices.  Ontosomology is about Immergence. into our true, infinite reality.    A definition of Immergence that I really like appears in the Free Dictionary.  It truly captures the spirit of Ontosomology Immergence as follows:  Immergence means  " to plunge, as into a fluid; to disappear, as the moon in the shadow of the sun. The whale immerged back into the sea."  Just as the Whale immerges into the sea, so we immerge into the ocean of being when we are full immersed in out infinite being.

Revealing: Is emphasized more than Healing. Healing relates to sickness and Ontosomology relates to Wellness.

Information: Information is emphasized when we typically refer to Pain, Sickness symptoms, Discomfort. All physical, mental and emotional states withing Ontosomology are considered information gateways to greater authenticity of Being.

Wellness: Is emphasized rather that the sickness and health dichotomy. 

Ontosomolgy considers Wellness is intrinsic to all no matter one's  physical, mental or spiritual state.

Frequency and Density:  Is emphasized rather than Sturucture and Energy.  Structure and Energy are different states of one energy with varying densities, frequencies and vibrational patterns and intensities.

Impermanence:  is emphasized as the nature of Being. Impermanence as it relates to our existence is emphasized over Uncertainty (which is associated with existential concerns)

Breath Cycle: Ontosomology does not concern itself with Linear Time comprised of past, present and future   The Breath Cycle is always experienced in the present moment which is not dependent on past or future concepts. 

How is Ontosomology understood and practiced?

The Path of Ontosomology integrates breath and postural activation  to achieve realization of the presence of cosmic consciousness within you.  The Ontosomology Blog provides blog posts and videos that fully explain this practice.  As of September 2, 2019 this site is an emerging body of work and will grow as content is added.

About Eric Mendelman: How and why I developed Ontosomology.

I am a massage therapist and body worker who is fascinated with all things related to Being and self actualization.  I have realized Ontosomology through mediation, bodywork, and holistic mysticism.  My passion is to activate  somatic, conscious awareness of one's true nature which for me is the most direct route to the ground of being and inner peace .